During the summer of 2022, Troop 46 returned to Camp Blackhawk. We like this camp because it has a great waterfront. We really like swimming in the lake, sailing, the iceberg, all the canoes, kayaks, stand up paddle boards and for the older scouts, water skiing, running power boats and tubing. We also eat in a cool dining hall. They have a great 1st year program, tons of merit badges for scouts in the middle and for older scouts they offer the motor boats, ATV’s, and other adventures which are really cool.
Arriving at camp and checking out the all-important bulletin boards. Once we get there the SM sets up the troop board. This helps us know were we need to be all week, as well as duty rosters and waiter schedules for the dinning hall.
Wall tents and rain fly’s set up. In our campsite, we sleep in wall tents with cots. We also set up our patrol flys, so we have places to hang out
The dads. None of this happens without support from the parents. We welcome the parents, they drink coffee and shuttle us to the off-site merit badges, like welding, horsemanship, mt biking, climbing.
During the middle of the week the camp hold a giant Fair
Who knows what this was. An inflatable bouncy, that shot tennis balls at you. Then you had to wear a helmet, battle another scout. It was a ton of fun
Later we all got a great BBQ Dinner at the Fair
Every day, we got some down time, and we could rest back at camp. Here we are chilling and practicing Flag’s ceremonies.
Every night the Patrol Leader Council (PLC) would meet with SM Boyd and discuss the day’s events and plan for tomorrow.
All this work worn out the parents, here they are again having some quiet time. They needed a lot of rest.
What’s cool about Camp Blackhawk, Owasippe is that there is something for everyone, even the older scouts. Here are three SPL’s, three Eagle candidates, all from the same Cub Scout Pack having a great time.
During the week, there is a competition between Troops called the Camp Cup. We are the defending champions.
Everybody was needed to solve a clue during the competition.
Scout Masters also got involved in the competition with a belly flop contest at the water front. Greybeard made his return for Troop 46 and did not disappoint.
For camp wide events, we would gather at the waterfront in front of the dining hall.
Meanwhile over at the fire bowl, the 1st years are getting a talk from a McHenry County Police Chief on Civics
Afterwards they proudly displayed their certificates
Each meal was in the dining hall. This was always fun. As camp staff would sing and lead us in chants.
Here another table of our troop
Here is an early morning photo of the Waterfront, it is a great lake to play in
This year a bunch of our dads worked to repair and assemble a racing sailboat “the Wild Cat” . Camp staff was thrilled.
Each evening we had formal flag ceremony, and we would wear our Class A uniforms.
Staff also had Wild opening and closing campfires
Every troop got a chance to preform skits. Can you name this one?
Then later we were award a banner for being one of the best troops in camp. Here is SPL Nate (black shirt) accepting the Baden Powell Award for Troop 46
Sadly, the week went by fast. Here we are all dressed and ready to leave to come back Home.
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