For the December campout, Troop 46 discovered the thrill of Scuba Diving! While the Troop camped at Wheaton’s Northside Park Girl Scout cabin, they traveled north to visit Sea Level Diving Scuba in Crystal Lake, IL to learn about underwater scuba diving. After setting up camp at the cabin on Friday evening, the Troop headed to Discover Scuba Saturday AM after breakfast. Upon arrival, the Troop had to wait for all paperwork checks.
Upon everything being cleared, they headed to the classroom to begin scuba training.
After some review in the classroom, the Troop meet with the dive instructors to cover some of the basics with the scuba gear. They covered all of the important aspects the scuba gear and its functions.
The Troop was fitted with scuba gear, and reviewed how all the equipment worked with the scuba instructors.
They reviewed the mask check, as well as how to check the scuba gear while in the water.
As well as a buoyancy vest check while all scuba gear is being worn.
After the buoyancy vest check, the Troop was ready to go the next steps in learning about scuba diving.
The moved from the shallow end of the pool to the deeper end, learning what to do and what not to do when scuba diving.
In the end, Troop 46 had a great time learning the basics and functions of scuba diving at Sea Level Diving Scuba. Everyone gave the All OK underwater signal to approve of the adventure.
Afterwards, Troop 46 headed back to the cabin in Wheaton to cook their meals. Patrol method coking was employed and everyone ate well.
As the evening progressed, Troop 46 enjoyed board games and comradery as they always do.
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