For the September campout, Troop 46 went to the Warren Dunes where they learned how to orienteer. On the night when we arrived at our campsite, we immediately started setting up our tents, conversed with each other, and went to our tents to end the day.
The next day, we all had breakfast and we got ready to go on an orientation course created by the adults. We were put into small groups and were taught how to use a compass and map so we could navigate the course.
The course contained many points of the dunes in which we had to climb and hike up to. Most scouts only got halfway through their map locations they had to go to until we decided to take a break for lunch.
Once we finished having lunch, we went split the troop into 2 groups and went on a five-mile hike around the dunes, which allowed most of the younger scouts to get their requirement signed off.
Afterwards, we came back to the campsite, got the sand out of our shoes and ended the day making patrol dinners and desserts.
On Sunday morning, we made breakfast, packed up our tents and gear, did thorns & roses, and began the long ride back to Glen Ellyn.
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